Journal of Foreign Language Education and Technology

Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency in EFL Writing: A Study of Long Term Effects of Blended Learning


Marzieh Nezakat-Alhossaini

Blended learning (BL) is the system which is a combination of classroom or face-to-face instruction and instruction mediated through technology. It is supposed to be used as a complement to the traditional classroom contexts. It has been the independent variable in a large number of studies. The study was intended to examine long term effects of blended learning on Iranian EFL learner’s writing proficiency which includes dimensions, such as complexity, accuracy, and fluency. 50 EFL learners were placed in each of the blended learning (BL) and classroom learning (CL) groups. Participants received exactly the same type of materials and amount of instruction. For participants of the CL group, everything happened in the classroom; nevertheless, those in the BL group received extra materials and feedback through the web. Results showed the participants of the BL group outperformed those in the CL group in the three features in question. As long as long term effects were concerned, results of the delayed posttest indicated that participants of the BL group maintained the effects of the treatment for complexity and fluency. Results of this test did not show any significant difference for accuracy. The study showed that blended learning and be used as an effective alternative in EFL writing classes to enhance writing proficiency.


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