Journal of Foreign Language Education and Technology

The Effects of Teacher???s Gender on EFL Learning in Primary Education


Seda Karadeniz

In the present study, the effect of teachers’ gender on EFL learning in
primary education was investigated separately for males and females. The
participants were 86 volunteer students of different grades (3rd, 4th or 5th) from 3
different primary education schools in Istanbul, Turkey. 34 participants were female
and 52 participants were male. In order to evaluate the effect of teachers’ gender, two
questionnaires were developed by utilising a three-degree frequency scale
(Yes/Sometimes/No). These questionnaires included the same statements but
prepared for the two different teacher genders. In the piloting session, the
questionnaires were also applied on 10 college students to assure the reliability and
validity issues. After that, the questionnaires were forwarded to the participants. The
questionnaires’ results were analysed considering the grades and genders. Analyses
were done regarding the average score of the responses given to the statements.
Students’ responses who have received education from a female teacher and a male
teacher were evaluated separately. Also evaluation was done according to the
participants’ gender.<


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